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Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018) Nike TN (1998-2018)

Nike TN (1998-2018)

Collective [Patrick Bona, Melchior Tersen, Pablo Jomaron, e.a.], Brochure, 2018, i-D, Red Libanese, Nike. Original Edition. Unpaginated (56 pages). 37 x 29cm. Condition: Very good.

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For the twenty years of the Nike TN, baptized in France “Requins” [Sharks], a collective publishes in tribute this very beautiful magazine. Iconic shoe of the late 90s, the Nike TN symbolizes a golden age of French rap and street style. Several artists testify to the importance that this shoe has taken in their lives and their imaginations, all illustrated with magnificent photos in the purest subculture spirit.