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Europa (1984) Europa (1984) Europa (1984) Europa (1984) Europa (1984) Europa (1984) Europa (1984) Europa (1984)

Europa (1984)

"Les nouvelles musikes européennes", Eric Xuongioc, Renaud Initnom, Didier Durieux & Michel Le Fou (dir.), n°1, Paris, Décember 1984-January 1985. Original Edition. Text in French. 20 pages. 36 x 25 cm. Condition : Excellent.


As its name suggests, and as it is formulated in the editorial, this fanzine is interested in innovative European music. All in a layout worthy of the post-new wave era. Contents: Leitmotiv, Même Rath, Carthage, Falx Cerebri, gerechtigkeits Liga,  Pacific 231, label news, fanzine news… rare.